The key to effective planning is to remain organized.

Your thinking + My structure = A result that works


I answer all your questions, then evaluate your individual and unique situation and create a very specific plan to meet your desired long term care needs.


I help you to preserve your hard-earned assets and yet remain eligible for Medicaid.

Medicaid Application

I complete the entire Medicaid application process — educating about necessary documentation, then filing the entire (and very complex!) Medicaid application.


Once approved, I make all necessary referrals for services and participate in the Medicaid home care assessment to insure you can receive the maximum benefits.


I provide ongoing support and/or case management as needed.

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Would you like to set up a consultation appointment now? Please complete the form below and just submit the button.

An Important word about Medicaid:

It can make a big difference for you in the coming years.

Home care is very expensive.

But Medicaid can make it possible:
Medicaid can be vitally beneficial — but securing these benefits is a very complex process. There is no substitute for a knowledgeable professional.